Social Marketing


I.        Social Media is one of the fastest growing forms of communication in the history of mankind (literally). According to Wikipedia, Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content."[1] Businesses also refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media utilization is believed[who?] to be a driving force in defining the current time period as the Attention Age[citation needed]. A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value. What this simply means is that Social Media is the driving force for people to get in touch with past friends, family members, and with BUSINESSES.

Anyone who owns a business and wants to reach a specific market fast needs to think about investing in social media. With sites like Facebook, you will be able to literally tap into a network of over 500million people worldwide. Of course you won't be reaching every single person in the network, but at least you know that you can cover a wide basis when looking into this form of advertising.

What WEJA Internet Marketing Solutions will do for your company:
1. we will develop and optimize your profile.
2. Perform SEO tactics to get your profile ranked in the search engines
3. Send appropriate friend requests to your network.
4. Create groups and Join groups related to your industry niche. 
5. Create a fan page
6. Synchronize each Social account to each other.  

Our Social Media Marketing Strategy Process:

                 I.        First we will issue out an internet marketing questionnaire to determine the basis of what it is you are looking to accomplish.

                II.        We will take the answers from your questionnaire and measure them with the strategy we feel is appropriate for the product or services you provide for customers.

               III.        We will put together a presentation for you detailing exactly how we are going to reach your target market and how long it will take to develop a certain amount of people into your network.

               IV.        From here you will give us your input and what final approval on the strategy.

                V.        Issue you an invoice for the services and then begin process.

               VI.        You will be updated on the status of your social media account monthly; this included friend requests per day, messages sent, status updates, etc.  

Special Package:
1. create a MySpace, Facebook, Twitter account
2. Create a Facebook Fan Page
3. Promote ad for the fan page 
4. Optimize each account on the search engines
5.  Status updates

6. Friend requesting Sending Messages   
7. *Free 1 keyword SMS Text Service 
All for only $399 per month

for more information and price quotes, you can email us: [email protected]